A few examinations that you get to take in secondary school will determine a whole lot about your future. How well you do in these exams would determine what tertiary institution you’ll be able to get admission into. It would also determine what courses you’ll be able to apply for. Yes, we’re talking about the WASSCE / WAEC, JAMB, UTME / JAMB, POST UTME / POST JAMB.
The importance of these examinations means you need to prepare as hard as you can. That means taking advantage of every exam preparation material you can find. Some of these materials could include but are not limited to past questions and answers for WASSCE, UTME, Post UTME past questions, NECO and so on.
You can find free past questions and answers for all the subjects you’ll be taking for free! We have made them available as online quizzes so you can grade yourself and also downloadable in PDF format at the end of the quiz. That way you can revise without needing an internet connection.