
Free MTN Foundation Scholarship Aptitude Test Past Questions and Answers

The MTN Foundation offers scholarships to deserving Nigerian students in Nigerian Universities through their foundation. This scholarship is open to Nigerian citizens who are pursuing a bachelor’s degree and are interested in pursuing a masters or Ph.D.

The exam is not based on the candidate’s course of study but on the level of IQ and how prepared you are. The test covers the Numerical reasoning, Verbal reasoning, and Logical reasoning sections. The use of calculators is forbidden, thereby making the exam even harder. So you not only have to prepare, but you have to do it the right way.

The easiest way to pass this exam is by studying past questions ahead of the test. This is because this scholarship body is in the habit of recycling questions from previous years in the subsequent exams. The MTN Foundation Scholarship Aptitude Test Past Questions and Answers has been compiled for this purpose.

We have exploited the one weakness of the exam body and put it to good use in the pack. It is an updated PDF version of all past questions and answers from previous MTN Foundation Scholarship exams and your best bet at securing this well-deserved scholarship. With this material, you’ll walk into the examination hall having an edge over other candidates.


Tips for Passing the MTN Foundation Scholarship Exam

  • Be familiar with the question format.
  • Practice past questions like you are sitting for the actual exam.
  • Manage your time wisely. Don’t spend too much time on a question.
  • Read the instructions well and make sure you really understand what you’re asked to do.
  • Beware of low-hanging fruits. (Options that appear like the answer but are just there to trick you).


About the MTN Foundation Scholarship Quiz

We know passing this test in flying colours is essential to get the scholarship. To bring you closer to your goal, we created this quiz for free from several past MTN foundation scholarship test questions. It serves as the first step in your preparations. After taking this quiz, you will know how prepared you are for the coming test.

It also gives you an idea of what the complete MTN Foundation Scholarship Past Questions and Answers PDF Material looks like. Then, you can judge if you truly need to use it for further preparations. Start preparing for success in your scholarship test today by taking this quiz now!


His voice gets on my nerve
For the options lettered A-D, choose the one which best explains the meaning of the idiom/phrase in italics in the sentence.
He is ______ a sailor
From the options lettered A-D, choose the option that best completes the sentence
Our teacher often tells us a story to____ the meaning of a lesson
From the options lettered A-D, choose the option that best completes the sentence
What number should replace the question mark?
Which number is the odd one out?
What number should replace the question mark?
Rational is most similar to
Read the question carefully and select the word that is most similar or most dissimilar in meaning to the word provided.
For the following questions, choose the word that does not belong with the others.
Animated is most similar to
Leaders should not only make speeches, they should also be prepared to bail the cat
For the options lettered A-D, choose the one which best explains the meaning of the idiom/phrase in italics in the sentence.
Check Answers

Download the PDF version of the past question here

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