Ultimate HR Guide: The Job Hiring Process Steps

hiring process steps

Ultimate HR Guide: The Job Hiring Process Steps

When a company is recruiting new employees, they need to make sure they do it right. The recruitment process usually follows a number of steps. These steps include application, aptitude tests, interview, background check, reference check and health examination. In this article, I’ll be enlightening you on these steps. Keep calm and read on.


What Is The Hiring Process

In this article, the recruitment process used by HR (human resource) managers to reassess applications, aptitude tests, interview candidates, carry out reference checks and demand for health checks will be examined.

The process of assessing applications, choosing worthy candidates to interview, testing the chosen candidates, deciding on which candidates to hire and carrying out several pre-employment checks and tests all make up the hiring process.

The following steps are used by the Human Resource Manager to decide who is the best fit for a position during the hiring process:

1. Assessment of job applications

2. Testing the candidates

3. Interview chosen candidates

4.selecting candidates based on preplanned criteria for selection

5. carrying out reference and background checks

6. Candidates are then sent for a health check


A Typical Hiring Process

‘Kitten milk Company’ needs to employ another kitchen staff, the human resource manager Mr. Pristley got over 300 applications. The need to use a process to chose the candidate best fit for the job was obvious to him. But what’s the next step for him to take?

The following are steps Mr. Pristley will take after receiving the applications is to:


1. Review The Application.

This entails reading each application received to figure out which candidate has the education, experience, skill and other requirements for the job. Mr. Pristley then separates candidates into those who will be retained on file for a time duration and those who are going to be interviewed.

2. Candidates Testing

In this step, candidates’ knowledge or skill will be tested to figure out which candidate is competent for the position. The test candidates will undertake might comprise of personality test, physical test, skill test and aptitude tests. After the result of this test is out, Mr. Pristley then streamlines his options to fewer candidates.

3. Interview

This is a meeting between an employer and a job seeker to find out whether the candidate is well qualified for the job. After testing the candidates, Mr. Pristley now has an idea of how qualified the candidates are for the job but the interview face-to-face will give him more knowledge about the candidate like manners, personal hygiene, and timeliness. after completion of the interview, candidates will then be selected based on the result of the test and interview. This further streamlines the options of candidates Mr. Pristley has to choose from. A set of pre-planned criteria is developed and may consist of education, experience, and knowledge.

4. Candidate Selection. 

The process of selecting a candidate is done by side by side comparison of candidates’ qualification with a list of qualifications or necessary criteria to get the job predetermined by the company. Often times, this process is done by one person although sometimes a committee analyzes the candidates’ application,  interview notes and finally decide on which candidate to give the job. Mr. Pristley critically reviews the test results for every candidate and his interview notes and then makes a final decision.

5. Background Check

As soon as the worthy candidate is chosen, it is necessary to carry out background checks. This involves looking into the candidate’s life for criminal records, military record, education record, credit score, etc. The purpose of this is to make certain that all the information the candidate states on his application are true and can be proven. if the background check doesn’t match all information stated in the application, the job offer will be annulled.

6. Reference Checks

After a background check, references who most of the time are proficient associates that the candidate has previously worked for are contacted. Common reference check questions are work ethic, length of employment, salary and cause of separation.

7. Finally, the candidate is sent for a health check. This is to ensure that the candidate is in the best possible health condition for the job.


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