How To Pass Verbal Reasoning Aptitude Test

Nigerian man studying for verbal reasoning test

How To Pass Verbal Reasoning Aptitude Test

So you’re a student seeking scholarship or a graduate seeking employment and you find yourself asking ‘how do i pass verbal aptitude tests?’. You’re in the right place.

What Is Verbal Reasoning Aptitude Test

Verbal reasoning is the ability to comprehend and reason using concepts expressed through words.

Verbal reasoning questions: is a major section of jobs aptitude tests set by interviewers and examiners. The aim of this test is to find out how skillful you are at understanding and comprehension.

Verbal reasoning aptitude tests have become an invaluable tool for recruiters in a wide range of fields. That’s because many roles require employees to comprehend, analyze and draw conclusions from a large number of written materials, regardless of the industry they’re employed in.

Nigerian man studying for verbal reasoning test

What Should I Expect In A Verbal Reasoning Test?

Most of the time, the test takes place either online, at an assessment center or during the interview itself. Usually, you will be presented with a short passage of text and will need to answer a;

True or definitely true (which means the statement is correct as deduced from the information given in the passage),

False or definitely untrue (which means the statement is not true based on the information given in the passage) or

Cannot say or insufficient information  (which means you don’t have enough information to decide whether the statement is true or false) response to each statement.

In some cases, you will be given more than one passage. So you have a passage, some questions, another passage, some more questions and so on for the duration of the test.

Important Tips To Pass Verbal Reasoning Aptitude Test

Having gone through the basics of a verbal reasoning test, here are some useful verbal reasoning tips and tricks, approaches and handy advice to help maximize your chances to pass your verbal reasoning aptitude test.

1. Practice As Much As Possible.  

The importance of this cannot be overemphasized. Trying as many verbal reasoning tests beforehand, experiencing timed conditions and seeing the solutions afterwards is the most important thing you can do before a test. Naturally, this will boost your confidence, hone your skills and identify areas you need to do more practice, and areas which are strengths. Simultaneously, doing this will help you familiarise yourself with the format and layout of these tests, helping to dispel fears of the unknown.

We have compiled more than enough past verbal reasoning tests with answers for Dragnet for you. You can check here.

2. Choose Your Environment Wisely.

In situations where your exam is unsupervised and you’re to do your test online or from home, it is important that you choose an environment suitable for exam conditions. You . may want to choose an area that is quiet, free of distractions and has a good and stable internet connection. The time of the day might matter too depending on your personal preference.

3. Be Time Conscious.

Bear in mind that you would hardly have enough time to answer all questions. Note the amount of time you have for the test, how many questions you have to answer then calculate how much time you have to spend on each question. If a question is giving you problem, instead of getting bogged down on that question and wasting valuable time, you can skip to the next question as sometimes, tougher questions might come before simpler ones.

4. Read Thoroughly

Ensure you read the passage and understand very well. Re-read the passage to understand what’s being said and what isn’t said before you answer. Do not assume information that isn’t in the passage. There is nowhere in the question for ‘comments and suggestions’ so you won’t get any extra mark for disagreeing with an information in the passage.

5. Don’t Rush

You need to try as much as possible to stay calm during your exam. If you have more time after you’ve answered all your questions, still go through them again. Finishing on time doesn’t get you more marks. Also do not be nervous or tensed as this can hamper your abilities and cause you to make mistakes.

6. Focus on your work

If you’re going to be in an exam room with other candidates, focus on your work. Ignore what the person next to you is doing. He or she may be many questions ahead of you, that shouldn’t pressure you. To add to this, in some cases your question and that of the person next to you might be different. imagine how brutal your failure will be if you write answers for questions that isn’t yours.

7.  Practice your verbal reasoning assessment in the same format which you will have to sit your real assessment.

In a case where you are going to have to use a computer, you should do a lot of practice using a computer so you will get used to it. Reading on the screen can take longer than on paper and you have to get used to this before your exam day.

8. Practice, practice, practice

Finally and almost most importantly. Practice aptitude tests as much as possible before your real assessment.  The more questions you have seen the more comfortable and confident you will be in the exam and the higher mark you will score.  It can be strenuous at first but having a high score in your aptitude tests is as important as a good performance in your interview or producing a good CV so it isn’t time wasted.  Practice makes perfect they say.

I have previously written on Surefire hints to passing Numerical Reasoning Tests and Logical Reasoning tests. Make sure you check them out as well.

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